Thursday, 7 May 2015

Poster making

I decided in the end to use characters as a way to show how the media creates and picks who is going to be famous and what characteristics they possess. I first of all drew it all out onto A3 and painted it in using Gouache. Once I had done this I then scanned it in (half at a time) into photoshop. This was a problem for me as it took several long attempts to correct the levels so pencil lines could not be seen and to match up the colours of both of the parts of the poster. 

Once I had done this I played around with type, I decided to use my own handwriting in the end as anything else took away from the "hand drawn" effect. 
 This is a miniture version of the final, the final is printed on glossy paper as I decided it would bring the colours out more (rather than using the matte). Although the matte would have added to the gouache's precence I still am glad I chose the gloss. 

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