Friday, 29 April 2016

Summative Evaluation

Summative Evaluation – Katie Wade

Within this module my researching skills have been improved as I have learnt to navigate the library resources more accurately and taken advantage of the amount of books we are allowed to loan. It’s really helped being able to find academic resources and statistics from the library this time, as this is something I struggled with in 401. I have also learnt how to Harvard reference to a more accurate degree. My essay writing skills have also been improved upon as I feel like being part of the feedback sessions have really pushed me to think beyond my initial ideas, I have seen a real growth in my abilities to extend and research more into the field.

Image making for this module was quite interesting.  I started off considering making an all-digital publication because of the context of my essay however as my experimentations developed so did my feelings towards what kind of booklet needed to be made. I switched from acrylic paint (which helped display emotion from the hard strokes and amount I used) to more delicate ink. Ink is often my go to so I often try to stay away from using it too much, however for this project I found that continuous line drawing combined with ink was really a great combination and helped me portray the emotions and tone of voice I wanted for my booklet.
However I didn’t feel that I pushed myself in the image making as much as I did with the essay. More time and consideration went into the essay making sure the tone of voice was perfect and my arguments and exploration was thorough. I feel that this was really not the case with image making. I should have been making images constantly for this project but I found it really hard to produce work that I had any connection or interest in. It was only in the last few weeks where I realised that drawing robots didn’t have to be in my final work that I felt liberated. This definetly changed my attitude towards drawing but by this time it was too late to explore to the same extent as I should have done.
I wonder now whether if more time had been spent with image making, maybe I would have had something different and more impactful to say by the end of it.

 My strength in this module is probably the breadth of research I undertook. From watching a wide variety of movies to taking out a range of academic books from the library and looking occasionally on the internet (but less this year than last). I felt a real interest in the essay and my writing was not a problem throughout this whole module. I also think a strength was my contribution to this module during our seminars, I felt like I was able to get clear direction from my colleagues and also offer that same sense of direction back to them.

My main weakness is this module was organization. My time keeping has been a lot better this year but I think I placed Context of Practice on the back burner (so to speak) for too long and in the end had to spend extra time to catch up where I should have been. Blogging was also not fantastic in this module as I was really stunted for what I wanted to say in regards to the practical work I was producing. I think getting stuck in one place in the practical work did hold me back and that in the future I will have to ask more of my fellow illustrators in what is working and how to work past the problems I’m facing.

Overall I was pleased with what I have produced for this, the booklet came out to a fine quality and I am relatively pleased with the essay.  There are things I am taking away from this module for future modules. These are the importance of making timetables, as soon as I made a timetable for COP (a month before deadline) my work became much more focused. This is something I wish I had done earlier and is definitely something to do in the future. I also think that I will take away the importance of communication, with tutors and with students. For this module I was very wrapped up in the essay writing but allowed myself to fall behind image making. If I had communicated with my fellow illustrators and tutors I would have been able to push through the creative block I had with my practical.

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