Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Seminar - Authorship Barthes - Study Task 1.

As an illustrator in this day and age, releasing work onto the Internet is not out of the ordinary, it is essential to keep a blog as part of illustrative practice. By keeping an online blog it allows you as an illustrator to interact with the outside world and gain work from that. In opening up your work to the Internet, you allow it to be seen by various readers and interpreted through them “the reign of the author has also been that of the critic” Barthes, R (1968). In saying this Barthes implies that once your work has been published, your work and yourself are open to criticism. In his book The Death of An Author, Barthes explores the idea of authorship and how it affects the world. Illustrators today can create an online identity so Barthes idea’s surrounding authorship are still relevant “conceived of as the past of his own book” Barthes, R (1968), meaning that unless you are anonymous people will judge you based on previous works. Having a blog online doesn’t exclude you from this but anyone can run a blog. There are many people on social media sites such as instagram who will tag their works with the words “illustration” or “art” underneath but very few of them are actually specialized in that field of study. 

Some may argue that these tags on social media are a claim for authorship on the internet, by presenting your work so it is attached to an account and tagged within a community “some claims for authorship may be simply an indication of a renewed sense of responsibility, at times they seem ploys to gain proper rights” Rock,M (1996). By presenting your work and associating it with your name allows for potential employer to trace it back to you however this might not always work in your favour. If an illustrator produces a new style of work that is significantly different to their previous works, tracing this new piece back to their blog might off put future employers who see their previous illustrations as a risk factor. 
Barthes addresses the positives to being an anonymous author “The hand, cut off from any voice, borne by a pure inscription, traces a field without origin” Barthes (1968), expressing that sometime anonymity is the key to success as people are intrigued.  With the introduction of the internet it is hard to tell where illustrative works have originated from, leaving illustrators to reduce their file sizes down or watermark their work in order for it to remain recognizable as their own “attempts to exercise some kind of agency where there has traditionally been none” Rock, M (1996).  This is a sad prospect of the up and coming illustrative practice of keeping a blog, it is hard to keep your stuff original and to keep track of what has and hasn’t been done before in the field. If you do not check creative blogs constantly you stand the risk of creating something similar or the same as someone else but if you do check them, then you stand the risk of sticking to what is popular in the industry “the writer can only imitate a gesture that is always anterior, never original” Barthes, R (1968).

COP Lectures, 1//2//3


  • -Fridays are COP days. 
  •  Context of practice blog, start to cast the net wide. How to look at more things, develop an interest in things. Movies watched, books read. Broader context of illustration. Political? Contextual?
  • A visual journal, what interests me? Thinking about storytelling. Modules inform each other, themes, visual, techniques. 
  • Practical and theoretical time to pull it apart. Immersed in subject or theme. 
  • This module is about finding stuff out. 
  • Aesthetic, technological, political, historical, cultural, social concepts/terms. 
  • - collecting visual research and aligning it with terms/concepts. 


  • Research and epistemony (part one)
  • Research - Finding facts
  • PRIMARYResearch - For a specific use, the collection of data that does not exist (no one else has collected the research in this way before so it is individual to you) 
  • SECONDARY research - Things that already exist. Other things that have been gathered. Analysing those things. 
  • QUANTATIVE Research - Statistics, analytical numerical etc. 
  • QUALITATIVE  Research - Opinipns, behaviours, attitudes, things you can't prove. 
  • Radical Philosophies of Education (The Flipped Classroom)
  • Flipped classroom is a flipped hierachy - student becomes more the centre. Taking teaching away from passive learning and changing it to active learning. Big in the states. 
  • JAQUES RANCIERE = french philosopher theorist 1940. the ignorant schoolmaster (1991) The politics of aesthetics (2006). 
  • MAY '68 - French revelotuionary unrest, protest against elitism. Education for all,  Anti authoritarian and radical against disciplinary specialisation, cost, society, poverty for students. 

Monday, 5 October 2015

COP - definitions mini task

PPP - Definitions Mini Task 

T E C H N O L O G I C A L 

definition: resulting from improvements in technical processes that increase productivity of machines and eliminates manual operationsor operations done by older machines

q u o t e s 

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. –Albert Einstein (Scientist)

I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex. – Kurt Vonnegut (Author)

 This is the whole point of technology.  It creates an appetite for immortality on the one hand.  It threatens universal extinction on the other. Technology is lust removed from nature. – Don DeLillo(Author)

I m a g e s 

 wonder stories - August 1930 - Frank R Paul 

Smithe- Lead Us - Serigrafía  Smithe tends to use complicated, layered silk screen printing methods which give his work a more graphic, and 'pop art' style. I want to develop some of my ideas and skills in the print room within this project potentially. The concept of this piece does interest me as it gets across an idea of humans perhaps 'being lead' by technology and the element of trust we have in this.
Smithe - Lead us 

Drew Struzan (back to the future poster, whilst looking for this particular poster and its creator I found Drew who also created over 150 film posters and still designs for popular culture films/shows today, have bookmarked him currently). 

P h o t o g r a p h s 

photograph of a 3d printed shape using new technology. 

Aston Martin DB10 (james bond's latest car - 2015). 

Steve jobs (modern technological hero)

COP - Mini task introduction

Today we were split into groups and asked to write down the first things that came into our minds when we were shown each slide connected to a word. It is a warm up for thinking about our PPP module, I actually found that it really helped me explore different avenues of thought. 
below is a typed up copy and photos of the actual writing. 


1.    Boadicea 
2.    Elagabalus
3.    Cleopatra
4.    Stalin
5.    Ada Lovelace

1.     War
2.     Colonialism
3.     Genocide
4.     Racism
5.     Scandal

1.     Rome
2.     Byzantine
3.     Constantinople
4.     U.S.S.R
5.     Egypt

1.     Period
2.     Oppression
3.     Classics
4.     Legend/Fable
5.     Society


1.    Martin Luther King jr
2.    Emily Pankhurst
3.    Mary Seacole
4.    Randy Shilts
5.    Marsha P Johnson

1.     Suffragettes
2.     Revolution
3.     Empires
4.     Democracy
5.     Classism

1.     France
2.     Underground bunker in eastern Russia
3.     Selma
4.     Salem
5.     U’p North

1.     Equality/Inequality
2.     Justice
3.     Progress/Luddites
4.     Taboos
5.     Hierarchy


1.    G.Orwell
2.    Steve Jobs
3.    Edward Jenner
4.    The Code Breaker
5.    Marie Curie

1.     Computers
2.     Robots
3.     Cameras
4.     Space
5.     A.I

1.     Silicon Valley
2.     Area 51
3.     Moon/Space
4.     E3
5.     NASA

1.     Progress
2.     Future
3.     Global Village
4.     Mail?
5.     Surveillance


1.    Dali Lama
2.    Pope
3.    Kanye West
4.    Nicki Minaj
5.    Bob Marley

1.     Music
2.     Fashion
3.     Iconography
4.     Language
5.     Food

1.     Leeds Market
2.     Mecca
3.     Paris
4.     Bologna
5.     Library of Alexandria

1.     Togetherness
2.     Community
3.     Warfare
4.     Appropriation
5.     Pop


1.    Berlusconi
2.    Donald Trump
3.    Jonathan Swift
4.    Maggie Thatcher
5.    Mugabe

1.     Satire
2.     Elitism
3.     The Grass root movement
4.     Assassination
5.     Coupe

1.     Westminster
2.     DC
3.     Kremlin
4.     Hague
5.     Switzerland

1.     Power
2.     Conspiracy
3.     Kanye
4.     Money

5.     Sex